Site-uri |
Compania ARTHUR GROUP este o societate cu capital integral romanesc care activeaza in mai multe domenii de activitate.Organe de ansamblare; Adezivi Henkel; Calculatoare; Aer conditionat. |
A network of key data about Central Europe research projects sponsored with either national or international funds.INTACCOMP : Integrated Network of RTD Accomplishments is an international project supported by the European Community (represented by the Co |
Interelate ( |
Interelate provides comprehensive customer intelligence solutions and web-based marketing infrastructure to meet the next-generation customer relationship management (CRM) needs of Global 2000 clients in the financial services, travel and leisure, retail, |
3M WorldWide ( |
3M Touch Systems, created by 3M through strategic acquisitions of two established touch companies -- Dynapro and MicroTouch Systems -- to be the world's preferred supplier of touch screens and touch display products. |
AfaceriOnline ( |
AfaceriOnline is an international business to business marketplace that provides free Directory listings, free Trade Leads and free products Showrooms. |
American Business Community ( |
ArtServ ( |
B u $ i n e $ $ ClubRomania ( |
Firma BACOL SERVICE W S.R.L. a luat fiinta in anul 1993, incercand sa impuna pe piata romaneasca in folosul clientilor sai o gama de servicii si vanzari dupa model occidental. |
BADUC Trading Company ( |
BADUC Trading Company - joint stock company - is one of the major suppliers of construction and installation materials and equipment in Romania, having over 30 years' activity in this field. |
Bine ati venit la M A C R O D A ( |
Calculatoare; Agentie de Turism; Minolta |
Bine ati venit la OfficeMax Online ( |
OFFICE MAX este o firma de comert si servicii de aprovizionare care actioneaza la ora actuala pe piata româneasca dupa concepte occidentale de deservire si informare a clientilor, oferind comparatii de produse si servicii la preturi competitive si un sort |
Bine ati venit la SIF Banat-Crisana ( |
Bine ati venit pe site-ul SmartTel_ro ( |
Site-ul este dedicat unei noi tendinte:
m-business, si in special m-banking sau mobile banking, adica posibilitatea de a obtine informatii bancare si a efectua tranzactii bancare de la propriul telefon mobil. |
BizCity_ro - afacerea ta pe Internet ( |
Fii la curent cu tot ceea ce se intampla in afaceri. Inscrie-te acum in Club BizCity si vei primi prin e-mail ultimele stiri, precum si noutatile aparute pe site-ul BizCity. Ai la dispozitie un Forum in care poti schimba opinii cu cei din bransa ta. |
Bucharest Financial Plaza ( |
BUS_RO Sells Travellers Goods ( |
Welcome to Business Road to find products for your next trip. Browse through our great selection of luggage, books, videos and electronics. If you know exactly what you want, type it in the search box and find it right away. Our selection is supplied by V |
CAD Integrator ( |
Chira Group ( |
Cisco ( |
Cisco Connection Online by Cisco Systems, Inc ( |
Citco ( |
The Citco Group Limited is an organization of financial service providers, comprised of international banks, trust and fund companies. For over fifty years, the company has served the growing needs of a diverse client base from its network of internationa |
Firma S.C.COM TELESONIC S.R.L. este membra a UNIUNII NATIONALE A PRACTICIENILOR IN REORGANIZARE SI LICHIDARE JUDICIARA cu adeverintanr.2088 din 6.06.2000 si fuctioneaza pe baza Ordonantei nr. 79/1999 privind actitatea practicienilor in reorganizare si lic |
Comertcontact ( |
Compania MEDIANA S.R.L. Timisoara ( |
specializata in business services prin cele doua departamente ale sale: ...Traduceri, Translatie respectiv Consultanta si Intermedieri Imobiliare, va ofera posibilitatea de a lucra impreuna, in echipa cu adevarati profesionisti, in scopul extinderii afac |
Conferintele Economia Internet ( |
Economia Internet poate fi cu adevarat o oportunitate deosebita pentru Romania, poate ultimul tren care mai poate evita acel ~digital divide~ fata de lumea in care informatia si tehnologiile inseamna evolutie si bunastare. |
Critical Path Corporate website ( |
Ranked by IDC as the fastest growing messaging vendor in the service provider market, and as the meta-directory market share leader by both Giga and Radicati, Critical Path provides proven communication solutions to service providers and corporations arou |
d e u r o m e d i a - broad band has a concept ( |
Dacrom ( |
sau DTC, a luat fiinta in 1992 ca o societate Romano-Cipriota. Activitatea firmei se concentreaza in trei directii - Software, Produse Industriale si Produse Farmaceutice. Firma acopera cu birouri, depozite, reprezentante, res |
De Vealle - ( |
Established in 1993, De Vealle Corporate Services is the first company of the Group.Being an American-Romanian company, De Vealle Corporate Services started working in this small but expanding niche of the market which consisted of multinational companies |
DebtExchange s_r_l ( |
DebtExchange s_r_l ( |
Delos Capital ( |
DELOS is a Romanian source for reliable financial business information on company's news, financial reports, Corporate Actions, FOREX etc. DELOS provides on-line quick access to vital historical company information and other services, via Internet or by |
Delos Creditinfo Ltd ( |
Through a network of associates built up all over Romania, we continually report on the business, and economic activities of persons, companies and organizations all around the country. A continuous supply of the intelligence that people need to do better |
Delta Company Ltd. ( |
Discover® Financial Services Family of Credit Cards ( |
Discover® Financial Services Family of Credit Cards ( |
Discover® Financial Services Family of Credit Cards ( |
Discover® Financial Services Family of Credit Cards ( |
Discover® Financial Services Family of Credit Cards ( |
Discover® Financial Services Family of Credit Cards ( |
Discover® Financial Services Family of Credit Cards ( |
Discover® Financial Services Family of Credit Cards ( |
Discover® Financial Services Family of Credit Cards ( |
Discover® Financial Services Family of Credit Cards ( |
Discover® Financial Services Family of Credit Cards ( |
Discover® Financial Services Family of Credit Cards ( |
Discover® Financial Services Family of Credit Cards ( |
Discover® Financial Services Family of Credit Cards ( |
Discover® Financial Services Family of Credit Cards ( |
Discover® Financial Services Family of Credit Cards ( |
Discover® Financial Services Family of Credit Cards ( |
Discover® Financial Services Family of Credit Cards ( |
Discover® Financial Services Family of Credit Cards ( |
Discover® Financial Services Family of Credit Cards ( |
Discover® Financial Services Family of Credit Cards ( |
Discover® Financial Services Family of Credit Cards ( |
Discover® Financial Services Family of Credit Cards ( |
Discover® Financial Services Family of Credit Cards ( |
Discover® Financial Services Family of Credit Cards ( |
Discover® Financial Services Family of Credit Cards ( |
Discover® Financial Services Family of Credit Cards ( |
Discover® Financial Services Family of Credit Cards ( |
Discover® Financial Services Family of Credit Cards ( |
EastLine ( |
| ( |
The Energis Squared website has now merged with to form one Energis UK site.You will now be able to access areas of expertise such as hosting and e-business, but as part of a totally integrated approach. | ( |
The Energis Squared website has now merged with to form one Energis UK site.You will now be able to access areas of expertise such as hosting and e-business, but as part of a totally integrated approach. |
eniro_com ( |
Welcome to the corporate website of Eniro AB. We connect buyers and sellers by providing directory services in 23 countries. Our main services are local directories, Yellow Pages, and business-to-business directories both offline and online. |
EuroAdviser Web Page ( |
Vocatia Grupului EuroAdviser este, in primul rand, aceea de a integra competente in vederea propunerii de solutii complexe si complete pentru problemele legate de dotarea, functionarea, managementul, marketing-ul, si nu in ultimul rand, de imaginea, compa |
Euroweb International ( |
The company has been acting on the Internet market since 1993 when established the first commercial Internet connection in Romania. It gained extensive experience over the years implementing the highest developed nation-wide network in Romania, with POP' |
Expertiza românească ( |
Un site românesc pentru experti, consultanti, specialisti din România si din strainatate. |
Grupul de firme FCI – FISCHER CONSULTANS INTERNATIONAL a fost fondat la Munchen în anul 1966 de către actualul său preşedinte Dr. Albrecht J. Fischer. Rezultatul activităţii sale o reprezintă prezenţa sa globală cu operaţiuni şi relaţii în toată lumea |
Festo Romania ( |
Partenerul Dumneavoastra in automatizarile industriale |
fidaware ( |
fidaware provides reliable information systems for logistics, using Object-Oriented Programming. As of November 2000, fidaware is a member of the DONE group (Finland), taking part as a subcontractor in different phases of Done Logistics' customer project |
FIND ( |
FIND was established in June 1993, for the purpose of assisting foreign enterprises gain access to the Japanese market and also offer support to foreign-capital companies, already established in Japan, looking to expand their businesses, 500 million yen o |
Frans Maas Romania ( |
Bine ati venit la Frans Maas Romania Frans Maas' International Freight Forwarding sector performs groupage transport, the collection and distribution of general cargo, part load and truck load, and related activities including storage, customs formalitie |
GEA Romania - Welcome ( |
GEA is a global technology group operating in two major Business Segments: Process Engineering and Thermal Engineering |
Gelsor Group ( |
Gelsor Group was established in 1998. The Group's companies are active in banking, financial services, intelligent technologies and media. |
Geosystems Romania ( |
Geosystems Romania este ~business partener~ al firmei ESRI Romania si distribuitor ul autorizat al firmelor ERDAS, TRimble Navigation, EuropMap, LizardTech si GTCO pe teritoriul Romaniei si al Republicii Moldova |
GFS Romania ( |
GFS Duty Free; Distribution; Construct; Foundation; Universall; Broker; Communication. |
GIEF Group of Independent Experts ( |
Global e-business Solutions ( |
Gebs [ Global e-business Solutions ] was founded in June 2001. We chosed the name of the company to better underline its specific. |
Goldman Sachs ( |
Goldman Sachs is a leading global investment banking and securities firm, providing a full range of investing, advisory, and financing services worldwide to a substantial and diversified client base, which includes corporations, financial institutions, go |
Group 4 Falck A-S ( |
Grupul Financiar Muntenia ( |
Hempel Paints Coatings Corrosion Hempel Corporate ( |
HEMPEL'S MARINE PAINTS A/S is a worldwide leader in the development and production of protective coatings for the marine sector, as well as for industrial and architectural applications. |
Herzfeld & Rubin (Romania) ( |
- largest Western practice in Romania, assisting multinationals in a wide variety of transactions and general business matters |
HTI Group ( |
Less than seven years after its national launch, DIRECTV is now the home entertainment service of choice in one of every 10 TV homes in the United States.We are designing a future with a whole new generation of broadband communications -- to transform the |
We are designing a future with a whole new generation of broadband communications -- to transform the way you live, work and play. |
IFC - International Finance Corporation ( |
Impresse ( |
Impresse and its business partners provide a range of services to help deploy the Impresse collaboration platform into an organization quickly and effectively. Dedicated corporate account managers work closely with leading consulting firms to ensure an ac |
Impresse_com ( |
Industrial Automation Systems |
India Business Services. We are in the business of manufacturing, trading, marketing, export, import, agency, distribution, finance and services. We deal in Indian and International products. We offer a variety of products for export from India . The pro |
BUSINESS IN ROMANIA. Romania’s New Government is committed to privatisation. With 70% of the economy still in the hands of the State there are excellent investment opportunities to consider. |
Infopulse Romania: Profil ( |
Infopulse este o companie tanara si dinamica ce ofera solutii high-tech pentru problemele complexe de Comert Electronic. Angajatii, beneficiind de studii superioare, proiecteaza într-un mediu profesional aplicatii personalizate utilizand metoda RAD. Infop |
Acest site isi propune sa vina in ajutorul celor ce doresc sa gaseasca rapid noi parteneri, clienti si colaboratori pentru o desfasurare mai buna si mai avantajoasa a afacerilor lor. |
International business free guide - eximpages_ro ( |
International Network Center ( |
We are in the business of manufacturing, trading, marketing, export, import, agency, distribution, finance and services. We deal in Indian and International products. We offer a variety of products for export from India . The products offered for export |
Internet Genesis Romania ( |
Bine ati venit la Internet Genesis Romania, primul si singurul Reverse Internet Incubator(TM). Scopul nostru este de a oferi antreprenorilor internet seriosi oportunitatea de a incepe imediat lucrul la o afacere pe care si-au ales-o. |
Intex Personnel Services ( |
Welcome to Intex Personnel Services. We are an executive recruiting organization representing a portfolio of greatest client companies for whom we became the Human Resources Department |
Invest Romania_ Business, news, events, discussions, updated daily ( |
Investor ( |
To deliver superior returns to shareholders by establishing Investor AB as a globally recognized entrepreneurial and active owner of companies with high growth and profit potential. |
InvestorsUniverse_com - Stock Picks & Recommendations Supersite ( |
| ( |
An Online Resource for Investing |
IR Corporate Web Site ( |
IR Corporate Web Site ( |
IR Corporate Web Site ( |
Janus ( |
At Janus, we use a bottom-up, research-intensive stock-picking approach. It's a creative, unconventional approach, grounded in discipline and detailed financial analysis — an approach that's been the key to our success over the past 30 years. |
Janus ( |
At Janus, we use a bottom-up, research-intensive stock-picking approach. It's a creative, unconventional approach, grounded in discipline and detailed financial analysis — an approach that's been the key to our success over the past 30 years. |
Janus ( |
At Janus, we use a bottom-up, research-intensive stock-picking approach. It's a creative, unconventional approach, grounded in discipline and detailed financial analysis — an approach that's been the key to our success over the past 30 years. |
Janus ( |
At Janus, we use a bottom-up, research-intensive stock-picking approach. It's a creative, unconventional approach, grounded in discipline and detailed financial analysis — an approach that's been the key to our success over the past 30 years. |
Janus ( |
At Janus, we use a bottom-up, research-intensive stock-picking approach. It's a creative, unconventional approach, grounded in discipline and detailed financial analysis — an approach that's been the key to our success over the past 30 years. |
Janus ( |
At Janus, we use a bottom-up, research-intensive stock-picking approach. It's a creative, unconventional approach, grounded in discipline and detailed financial analysis — an approach that's been the key to our success over the past 30 years. |
Janus ( |
At Janus, we use a bottom-up, research-intensive stock-picking approach. It's a creative, unconventional approach, grounded in discipline and detailed financial analysis — an approach that's been the key to our success over the past 30 years. |
Janus ( |
At Janus, we use a bottom-up, research-intensive stock-picking approach. It's a creative, unconventional approach, grounded in discipline and detailed financial analysis — an approach that's been the key to our success over the past 30 years. |
Janus ( |
At Janus, we use a bottom-up, research-intensive stock-picking approach. It's a creative, unconventional approach, grounded in discipline and detailed financial analysis — an approach that's been the key to our success over the past 30 years. |
Janus ( |
At Janus, we use a bottom-up, research-intensive stock-picking approach. It's a creative, unconventional approach, grounded in discipline and detailed financial analysis — an approach that's been the key to our success over the past 30 years. |
Janus ( |
At Janus, we use a bottom-up, research-intensive stock-picking approach. It's a creative, unconventional approach, grounded in discipline and detailed financial analysis — an approach that's been the key to our success over the past 30 years. |
Janus ( |
At Janus, we use a bottom-up, research-intensive stock-picking approach. It's a creative, unconventional approach, grounded in discipline and detailed financial analysis — an approach that's been the key to our success over the past 30 years. |
Janus ( |
At Janus, we use a bottom-up, research-intensive stock-picking approach. It's a creative, unconventional approach, grounded in discipline and detailed financial analysis — an approach that's been the key to our success over the past 30 years. |
Janus ( |
At Janus, we use a bottom-up, research-intensive stock-picking approach. It's a creative, unconventional approach, grounded in discipline and detailed financial analysis — an approach that's been the key to our success over the past 30 years. |
Janus funds ( |
KLING Consulting ( |
Studii de piată si fezabilitate pentru proiecte si contracte; Sondaje cu privire la opiniile consumatorilor (efectivi/potentiali );Proiectarea si derularea unor campanii publicitare, cu impact controlat; Analiza, diagnosticarea si dimensionarea structurii |
kompass_com, the Business to Business Search Engine ( |
Korn-Ferry International ( |
Providing Leadership Capital Solutions |
Lackner & Schwarz Romania S_R_L ( |
Lackner & Schwarz srl a fost fondata in 1990 de Lackner & Schwarz – Viena, cu capital austriac, ca prima firma privata internationala in Romania. |
LARIVE ROMANIA-international business development ( |
To be able to support investors adequately, LARIVE Romania has developed a diversified package of services in international business development. However it is said to be a free one, the Romanian market is not very transparent. Several project description |
Liqudation ( |
De cate ori am ocazia, explic tuturor celor care doresc sa ma asculte, ca termenul de LICHIDATOR provine de la LICHIDITATI,respectiv acea persoana numita pe procedura de lichidare si al carei scop principal este sa transforme activele debitoarei in lichid |
Major Companies of Romania ( |
Major Companies of Romania® is dedicated to bringing Romanian businesses to the World and the World to Romanian businesses. |
MarketFusion ( |
For nearly twenty years, leading technology companies like Hewlett-Packard, IBM and Sun have gained substantial value from procurement activities through strategic sourcing. By elevating procurement to a strategic level and by supporting these processes w |
MarketFusion ( |
For nearly twenty years, leading technology companies like Hewlett-Packard, IBM and Sun have gained substantial value from procurement activities through strategic sourcing. By elevating procurement to a strategic level and by supporting these processes w |
Marketing, Trading Service ( |
Suntem un grup de societati de consultanta, ce opereaza pe teritoriul roman de peste zece ani.Grupul Archimedes a fost promotorul si fondatorul celor mai mari initiative de asociere comerciale si industriale. Activitatea firmei noastre este recunoscuta si |
MasterCard® ( |
Matros '94 ( |
Matros '94 este o firma multinationala, care de-a lungul anilor a acumulat o vasta experienta in domeniul comercial.
Relatiile deosebite de colaborare, dezvoltate cu parteneri atat straini cat si romani, au facut ca numele de Matros '94
sa fie auzit si |
Microelectronica ( |
Founded in 1983 as a MOS technology I.C.'s producer, MICROELECTRONICA has extended its field of excellence developing optoelectronic devices, special applications, new materials and devices. |
Mons Medius investments S_A ( |
Mons Medius Investments SA a fost infiintata in 1994 de catre un grup de actionari din Romania si Germania, avind la baza experienta acumulata inca din 1990 in cadrul Mons Medius srl. |
Morgan Stanley ( |
Morgan Stanley ( |
Morgan Stanley ( |
Morgan Stanley ( |
Morgan Stanley ( |
Morgan Stanley ( |
Morgan Stanley ( |
is a preeminent global financial services firm that maintains leading market positions in each of its businesses — Securities, Asset Management and Credit Services. The company combines leadership in investment banking (including underwriting public offer |
Morgan Stanley ( |
Morgan Stanley ( |
is a preeminent global financial services firm that maintains leading market positions in each of its businesses — Securities, Asset Management and Credit Services. The company combines leadership in investment banking (including underwriting public offer |
Morgan Stanley ( |
Morgan Stanley ( |
is a preeminent global financial services firm that maintains leading market positions in each of its businesses — Securities, Asset Management and Credit Services. The company combines leadership in investment banking (including underwriting public offer |
Morgan Stanley ( |
Morgan Stanley ( |
is a preeminent global financial services firm that maintains leading market positions in each of its businesses — Securities, Asset Management and Credit Services. The company combines leadership in investment banking (including underwriting public offer |
Morgan Stanley ( |
Morgan Stanley ( |
Morgan Stanley ( |
Morgan Stanley ( |
Morgan Stanley ( |
Morgan Stanley ( |
Morgan Stanley ( |
Morgan Stanley ( |
Morgan Stanley ( |
Morgan Stanley ( |
Morgan Stanley Advice Investing ( |
Your Morgan Stanley Financial Advisor will never let you lose sight of why you're investing. Whether it be your children going to college or getting married, or yourself retiring, your Morgan Stanley Financial Advisor can help you achieve your financial |
Morgan Stanley Online ( |
Morgan Stanley Online ( |
Morgan Stanley Online ( |
Morgan Stanley Online ( |
Morgan Stanley Online ( |
Morgan Stanley Online ( |
Morgan Stanley Online ( |
Morgan Stanley Online ( |
Morgan Stanley Online ( |
Morgan Stanley Online ( |
Morgan Stanley Online ( |
Morgan Stanley Online ( |
Morgan Stanley Online ( |
Morgan Stanley Online ( |
Morgan Stanley Online ( |
Morgan Stanley Online ( |
Morgan Stanley Online ( |
Morgan Stanley Online ( |
Morgan Stanley Online ( |
Morgan Stanley Online ( |
Morgan Stanley Online ( |
Morgan Stanley Online ( |
Morgan Stanley Online ( |
Morgan Stanley Online ( |
Morgan Stanley Online ( |
Morgan Stanley Online ( |
Morgan Stanley Online ( |
Morgan Stanley Online ( |
Morgan Stanley Online ( |
Morgan Stanley Online - ( |
Know your source. Open an account with Morgan Stanley Online and you'll have access to products, services and information from a name you can trust. Review the account types we offer to find one that fits your needs. |
MorganGartmore Finance Company ( |
MSCI ( |
MSCI indices are the most widely used benchmarks by global portfolio managers. According to a survey conducted by Pensions & Investments, over 90% of international institutional equity assets in the USA are benchmarked to MSCI Indices. MSCI estimates that |
MSCI ( |
MSCI is a leading provider of global indices and benchmark related products and services to investors worldwide. It is headquartered in New York, and conducts business worldwide with operations in Geneva, London, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Singapore, Sydney, Frank |
MSCI ( |
MSCI indices are the most widely used benchmarks by global portfolio managers. According to a survey conducted by Pensions & Investments, over 90% of international institutional equity assets in the USA are benchmarked to MSCI Indices. MSCI estimates that |
MSCI ( |
Muntenia Global Invest On Line ( |
CEL MAI BUN PARTENER al dvs. in realizarea de investitii PRODUCTIVE si INOVATIVE pe piata de capital. |
MWB BusinessExchange, Managed Serviced Offices - Executive Serviced Offices in the UK & Europe_ Commercial property leasing, Fle ( |
MWB BusinessExchange, Managed Serviced Offices - Executive Serviced Offices in the UK & Europe_ Commercial property leasing, Fle ( |
MWB BusinessExchange, Managed Serviced Offices - Executive Serviced Offices in the UK & Europe_ Commercial property leasing, Fle ( |
Necomm ( |
La Necomm vedem internetul ca mediul de afaceri al viitorului. Oamenii pe care ne bazam pot sa ofere unei companii solutia completa prin care afacerile sale sa treaca in mediul electronic. Visul nostru este formarea unei comunitati de afaceri romanesti on |
Now Romania - The Romanian Online Business Center ( |
Office and Retail Space For Lease ( |
International investors, financiers and businessmen find Panama an ideal foreign base country for worldwide operations and transactions. DComm Software, Inc. is an international corporate consulting and fiduciary firm that provides the continuous, profess |
offshore_ro ( |
Opportunity Associates - Romania ( |
Affiliated with Support Center of America-Training & Consulting |
Paideusis - JICS ( |
Journal for Interdisciplinary and Cross-Cultural Studies . Paideusis-JICS* is a refereed Internet journal aiming at an open international and interdisciplinary dialogue |
Pan-Terra Corporation ( |
Pan-Terra Corporation's mission is to provide professional investment consulting services and management support for foreign companies. Pan-Terra assists clients to build long-term projects and relationships and to develop strong, stable partnerships. |
PayNet - Home ( |
PayNet is an independent, third party card processor operating in Romania. The company was registered under Romanian law, as a SRL (Ltd.) in April 1999. For the start-up operations the investment exceeds USD 1.5 milions. The company is controlled by the l |
Portera ( |
At Portera, we understand that service-oriented businesses want to spend 100 percent of their time focused on providing value for their clients. But with all the behind-the-scenes effort and resources required to keep a business running smoothly, this des |
PricewaterhouseCoopers ( |
At PricewaterhouseCoopers, we measure our success by yours. Everyday our 150,000 people in more than 150 countries go to work to help our clients succeed. From Dublin to Durban, from Minneapolis to Manila, our job is channeling knowledge and value through |
PricewaterhouseCoopers ( |
At PricewaterhouseCoopers, we measure our success by yours. Everyday our 150,000 people in more than 150 countries go to work to help our clients succeed. From Dublin to Durban, from Minneapolis to Manila, our job is channeling knowledge and value through |
PricewaterhouseCoopers Global VAT Online ( |
Profit ROMANIA ( |
Launched in February 2001, our company is a new player on the financial market, with new ideas, new skills and the ability to link information to access devices and mix retail experience with traditional banking services. In such a short time, Provus has |
Proximity Bucharest ( |
Real Estate ( |
NOVA INVEST SRL is a Romanian firm specialised in estate public-relations, which has as main objects of activity real estate consultancy, promotion of real estate projects and publication of magazines. During 4 years of experience, our firm has managed to |
Ringier AG ( |
Ringier AG has been a provider of information and entertainment for more than 170 years. As Switzerland's largest publishing house Ringier continues to help shape the country's media future with Blick, the country's biggest daily newspaper, SonntagsBl |
Rolf Industrial - Furnizor de sisteme de identificare, personalizare cartele, control acces si pontaj ( |
De aproape zece ani Rolf Industrial este direct implicata in domeniul "identificarii". Aceasta experienta, unica in tara noastra prin stricta specializare, impreuna cu o perfectionare continua au facut ca ROLF sa fie prezent oriunde este nevoie de organ |
Romania Factbook 2000 - Economic Statistics for Romania ( |
ROMANIAN Bussiness ( |
Romeur Group ( |
ROMEUR GROUP s-a fondat in anul 2001 prin asocierea a cinci firme: ROMEUR S.R.L., ROMEUR CONSTRUCT S.A., MACORI TRADE VL. S.A., BIARONE TEHNO S.R.L., TELIT S.R.L. Romeur Group acopera in totalitate activitatile de comert, inclusiv cele de import si export |
Building maintenance: Window cleaning; Paint and coatings; Concrete repairs; Masonry repairs ;Roof insulation; Roofing repairs; Lightning conductors
RVA - Insolvency specialists ( |
Reconversie si Valorificare ActiveSC RECONVERSIE SI VALORIFICARE ACTIVE SA s-a constituit si a fost inscrisa la Registrul Comertului, Bucuresti pe data de 14.12.1998. |
S.C. IPTANA S.A Bucharest ( |
substantiation studies feasibility studies; consulting and engineering services;elaboration of documentation regarding investment, improvement and modernization works for: roads, motorways, airport runways and approaches, streets, bridges and passages, hy |
S.I.V.M. -BROKER- S.A. ( |
Investiti direct sau indirect pe piata de capital din România.Societatea de brokeraj -BROKER- S.A. |
Safe Invest ( |
Bine aţi venit la Safe Invest, partenerul Dvs. competent in probleme de asigurări. In cazul în care optaţi pentru achiziţionarea unui produs prin intermediul societăţii nostre, puteţi să fiţi siguri că veţi obţine Kow How la cel mai înalt grad si cea mai |
Sammarina Ltd-Grupul de firme Sammarina cuprinde mai multe societati importante din Constanta, acoperind o gama larga de activit ( |
SC Interfin SRL ( |
activitati de expertize contabile, inclusiv lichidari judiciare, activitati de intermedieri si consultatii in domeniul asigurarilor,
evaluari tehnice si contabile de bunuri si active, alte tipuri de intermedieri financiare,activitati de contabilitate, re |
Scala Business Solutions Romania ( |
Microsoft desemnează Scala-/Cea mai bună aplicaţie ERP/.Grupul Scala are o orientare specifică asupra companiilor care acţionează pe aceste noi pieţe, adresîndu-se cu interes provocărilor specifice întîlnite în aceste medii competitive şi oferind instrume |
Schenker RO ( |
Schenker este unul dintre furnizorii internaţionali de servicii de logistică integrată, lider în acest domeniu. Noi sprijinim industria şi comerţul în cadrul schimbului global de mărfuri: în cadrul transportului rutier, aerian şi naval, precum şi în toate |
SCORE stands for Supporting the Co-operative Organisation of Rational Energy Use ( |
SCORE stands for Supporting the Co-operative Organisation of Rational Energy Use. SCORE is a Netherlands society to society programme, aiming at assisting the social transformation in the Central and Eastern European countries through projects and actions |
Seracom ( |
SERACOM is a private company established in 1991 in Bucharest, providing engineering, construction and project management services and specialized in civil, industrial and telecommunication projects. |
Realizare si furnizare de programe Prelucrari de date; Consultatii in domeniul echipamentelor de calcul; Activitati de transmitere date, incluzand transport si transfer de date cu comutare de pachete, transfer de fisiere sau alte mijloace de transmitere; |
Siel Invest ( |
Smartbox ( |
SMARTBOX MANAGEMENT is the first Human Resources Services provider of the third millenium. |
Societatea de Investitii Financiare Muntenia ( |
SoftNet - website ( |
E-commerce product including both Internet commerce sides : business-to-consumer and business-to-business. |
Star Collection Agency a fost infiintata anul acesta, este o firma noua care isi propune sa abordeze recuperarea de debite de pe o pozitie accesibila agentilor economici din Romania si intr-un mod compatibil cu realitatile economiei românesti actuale |
S_C_ Netorg Consulting S_R_L_ Cluj-Napoca, Romania ( |
Our consulting firm has been working in Romania since 1997. We have the possibility and experience to protect our partner's interest throughout the whole country. Our colleagues work in Cluj, Timisoara, Miercurea-Ciuc and Bucharest. |
T-Systems ( |
T-Systems was founded by Deutsche Telekom AG in order to bundle its IP/data and systems solutions for major corporations. It is Europe's No. 2 systems house, with some 40,000 employees and annual revenues of approximately 10 billion. |
SC TGH SRL is a joint venture involving Romanian and Belgian participation, an association of a multisectorial nature, extensively involved in numerous projects aiming at supporting co-operation of research and industry and at stimulating technnology tran |
Think about your future - Start building it now! ( |
Afaceri pe Internet |
Agro-Citadela este patria pentru oamenii pamantului, este ceea ce da sens, intr-o lume reala si neasemuita, existentei celui, ce practica azi o agricultura performanta si profitabila. Este o dovada, ca prin vointa si pricepere, putem sa ne depasim si |
TradeDoubler - The European Affiliate Network ( |
TradeDoubler is the leading European provider of Performance-Based Marketing and Affiliate Programs. Today we supply Affiliate Program solutions to more than 300 customers and over 300.000 affiliates in 12 countries and we are growing rapidly. We have a s |
Tulips and Bears the stock market newsletter for thinking traders ( |
uc Holdings ( |
UC Holdings ( |
uc_Holdings ( |
VEE International ( |
V.E. Engineering SRL is a CAD bureau located in Bucharest, Romania. VEE offers CAD and GIS conversion services. |
Victoria Square Business Centre ( |
Welcome to BAR CODE SYSTEMS ( |
Welcome to EDWARDS Int'l Group ( |
Bun venit la pagina de internet a firmei EDWARDS International Group România. Speram ca va furniza informatii folositoare cu privire la holdingul nostru si domeniile de activitate.A PROMOVA producatori români pe pietele internationale si a OFERI pietei ro |
Welcome to MGT Group ( |
Welcome to Money Talk ( |
Welcome to SmartSoft ( |
Successful Sourcing relationships fuse technology expertise and business competencies to deliver innovation.SmartSoft is an outsourcing company specialized in e-business technologies |
Welcome to Tax_Org ( |
Welcome to the HSBC Group ( |
Headquartered in London, HSBC Holdings plc is one of the largest banking and financial services organisations in the world. The HSBC Group's international network comprises some 6,500 offices in 79 countries and territories in Europe, the Asia-Pacific re |
Wellcome to Major Companies of Romania ( |
Who is Who ( |
Who is Who reports and the information are furnished and provided in confidence for your business and exclusive use for legitimate purposes only and shall not be reproduced or re-distributed in any manner whether mechanical or electronic without the permi | ( |
Acest site isi propune sa vina in ajutorul celor ce doresc sa gaseasca rapid noi parteneri, clienti si colaboratori pentru o desfasurare mai buna si mai avantajoasa a afacerilor lor.
Sunt prezente aici firme romanesti ce doresc sa-si faca cunoscute produ |
www_e-wineclub_ro - Indulging In A Good Romanian Tradition ( |
www_tk-development_ro ( |
TK Development develops and sells real property - nationally and internationally - within a number of predetermined market segments. |
XMEDIA Internet Business Promotion ( |