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Faculty of Textiles and Leather Engineering from Iasi Romania
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Descriere scurta
The Faculty was founded in 1934, being the only one in Romania. Ever since it has been developing its prestige and dimension. Over 1270 students are trained here annually in the following specialized fields: Spinning-Weawing (332), Knittings and Ready-Mad
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Descriere detaliata
The Faculty was founded in 1934, being the only one in Romania. Ever since it has been developing its prestige and dimension. Over 1270 students are trained here annually in the following specialized fields: Spinning-Weawing (332), Knittings and Ready-Made Clothing (394), Leather and Leather Substitutes Confections (122), Textile Chemical Finishing (24), Hides, Furs and Leather Substitutes Chemical Technology (32), Production System Engineering (170),...
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