Established in 1969 and reorganized in 1998, the Institute is functioning within the Romanian Ministry of National Defense as a center for research in the fields of national security, defense policy, and military history.
Institutul de Sanatate Publica Bucuresti a fost infiintat prin ~Legea pentru Infiintarea Institutului de igiena si sanatate publica~ promulgata de regele Ferdinand I la 25 februarie 1927
Fondat in 1948, IPROCHIM este un institut de proiectare specializat in elaborarea documentatiilor tehnico-economice necesare dezvoltarii industriei chimice.
STUDIES AND INVESTIGATIONS :geological studies, investigations and elaboration of documentation for quarry operation permits; studies and investigations regarding new binders and derivates;
The Aragon Institute of Technology is a collection of the finest minds - human and artificial - ever brought together, linked in a dynamic net of campuses scattered across the solar system.