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- jobs in Romania by Human Resources _ro - the romanian jobs and resume database (
1 (
Barnett McCall Recruitment - Romania (
Whether Client or Candidate, we hope you find the next few pages interesting and informative.
BEST Bucharest http--www_bestbcpub_ro (
BEST, Board of European Students of Technology, is an organization that promotes communication and idea exchange between technology students throughout Europe. BEST was officially founded at a conference in Berlin, in April 1989. BEST is a non-profit, no
Best Jobs in Romania (
This site is dedicated to facilitate the link between people searching for skilled workers from Romania and abroad and the people searching for a better place to work.
BestJobs_ro - Prietenul carierei Tale (
BestJobs a fost desemnat cel mai bun site de joburi din Romania in cadrul Festivalului INTERNETICS.Va multumim si va asiguram ca vom fi in continuare cei mai buni.
Business Intelligence Agency Home Page (
BIA ranks among the leading Romanian search firms entrusted with top level assignements. We can assist you in making essential choices about humans .
ComputerJobs_com (
CV-Online (
CV-Online (
Functionari - Romania (
De aici puteti afla statutul actual al functionarului roman - legaturile catre toate site-urile administratiei publice din Romania: Primarii, Consilii Locale si Judetene, Agentii, Ministere, Parlament, Guvern, Presedinte
ITJobs (
ITJobs site (
ITJobs site (
ITJobs site (
ITJobs site (
Job Consulting (
Numai 30 min pentru gasirea unei viitoare cariere ce-ti poate schimba viata! Doar 1 min pentru a angaja omul potrivit la locul potrivit!
Job offers Europe, international jobs Welcome to jobpilot_net ( ( is an Internet database created for Romanian professionals who wish to work in Romania or abroad. JobBank is open to citizens all over the country and to employers and recruiters all over the world.
JobMarket (
JobFair este un serviciu românesc de retea care asigură la aceeasi adresă, prin intermediul firmelor HRD - Dezvoltare Resurse Umane, Softchim si P&P, o gama largă de servicii de dezvoltare a resurselor umane; de asemenea, site-ul oferă o bursă a proiectel
Jobs - Jobsin_co_uk (
Jobs @ tineret (
Sinteti in cautarea unui loc de munca? Sau poate nu gasiti persoana potrivita?...
Jobs, Recruitment & Careers @ Jobsite UK (
GoJobsite enables you to search the best jobs from Europe's leading recruiters. From our country specific web sites you can receive the latest Jobs-by-Email every night across 35 industry sectors. GoJobsite has advertised 169960 jobs in the last month.
JOBSite (
jobs_mcit (
Joburi @ www_munca_ro - ofera-ti o sansa suplimentara! (
Acest serviciu este destinat tuturor celor care caută un job (aplicanți) sau oferă un job (angajatori).
Locuri de munca in Romania - Hit_ro (
Locuridemunca_ro - Locuri de munca in tara si in strainatate (
Mondojob - human resources (
Pentru a derula si a dezvolta o afacere de succes aveti nevoie, in mod cert, de un colectiv de oameni competenti.
Procer Recruitment Services (
Procer Recruitment Services was established as a full service personnel agency that serves the staffing needs of Companies located in Romania and all over the world, while recognizing the responsibility we have in shaping the future of our candidates .Ove
professional_euxin - Agentie de Resurse Umane (
Angajarea unui personal potrivit cu cerintele si posibilitatile firmei reprezinta una dintre cele mai mari probleme cu care se confrunta patronatul si managerii tuturor societatilor comerciale.
resume_ro (
Our company, entirely Romanian, has begun its activity in 1993 registered at the Commerce Registrar Cluj under nr. J12/3753/1993, with a young and dynamic personnel, specialized in the selection and placing of the Romanian manpower. The over 100 employees
Over an extended length of time, the group companies have developed numerous and diversified capacities and resources exceeding the demands of current operation .
TBS Total Business Solutions - Consultancy & Recruitment Services (
Total Business Solutions is one of the premier Consultancy and Recruitment Companies Romania and Eastern Europe.Total Business Solutions is the business partner to companies who wish to excel in the Romanian market. To this end we offer a complete package
Thomas International (
Sistemul Thomas reprezintă unul din cele mai performante instrumente de lucru în Recrutare, Selecție, Training, Dezvoltare, Consiliere, Planificarea Carierei, Crearea și Conducerea Echipei
TMP Worldwide (
The war for talent is escalating. Human capital has become the most critical component of any organization. Meeting these challenges online and off is TMP Worldwide, an interactive company with a unique suite of Global Career Solutions and a client base t
Welcome to (
Welcome to IntelliGet IT, The Romanian IT Career Center! (
Are you a Romanian IT professional looking for a new job? Are you an employer looking for top IT specialists? You are in the right place!IntelliGet IT is the first Romanian IT recruiting company, founded in 2000 with the only goal to become the Romanian I

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