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Descriere scurta
In this little part of my web site I will tell you a little bit about me and my sad story. I was born and raised in a small country called Romania in eastern europe. Most of my childhood I spent on the streets of a town called Timisoara. As a teenager I s
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Descriere detaliata
In this little part of my web site I will tell you a little bit about me and my sad story. I was born and raised in a small country called Romania in eastern europe. Most of my childhood I spent on the streets of a town called Timisoara. As a teenager I spent a lot of time with computers and most of the people my age that were doing this will remember one of the nicest BBS-s around town "The DTS Cartel BBS". Together with my two best friends Tudor and Sandu we were set to conquer the world altough minor things like phone bills , homeworks and money got in our way. I attended the Nikolaus Lenau Lyceum in Timisoara a part of my life with a lot of nice memories. A couple of unevntful years have passed and right about now I live in Canada and I am pursuing a bachelor degree in Computer Science. I like alot of things like Computers, Linux, Volkswagens and thats about all I can list here because the rest might incriminate me. Thats about it ...
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