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Acorp (
AdC este o firma nou infiintata care isi propune sa ofere clientilor sai servicii complete din domeniul IT :consultanta in alegerea echipamentelor si solutiilor optime ,o linie completa si performanta de echipamente de calcul cu perifericele necesare ,pre
Baum Engineering's Homepage (
BIS Web Page (
Business Information Systems
Blue Software (
Blue Software (
Blue Software is a young company, born as a consequence to IT problems and requests all around the commercial and economic areas, to respond needs more and more different and complex. The partners, as highly-qualified persons, have started their activity
Canad Systems Data (
Canad Systems Data este o firma cu capital in intregime privat, construita pentru a va oferi solutii in domeniul IT de o calitate maxima. Personalul nostru este alcatuit din tineri cu experienta in domeniul INTERNET, care pot si va vor oferi solutii sigur
Compa IT (
As any Romanian company with tradition, COMPA has developed a strong Informational Center which had to supervise the management informational systems used within the company. In the 90's this Center was restructured and became the actual IT Department, w
Complete Information Technology Solutions (
Welcome to Complete Information Technology Solutions site.Please step in and have a look around! We provide custom databases, web sites, technology training, and much more. CIS can get your technology program off the ground, upgrade your existing systems,
Cosys Computer Systems Ltd Home Page (
CSC Financial Services IT Software Solutions (
Clients from every sector of the financial services industry rely on CSC to find innovative ways to solve their business problems. With a background in all facets of insurance, banking, consumer finance and investments, CSC draws upon a unique blend of in
Security belongs to the human basic needs. This applies to you whether you are an individual or an enterprise. DETACK is a service provider in the IT security area and specialized in the discovery of IT security gaps.DETACK is to be considered as partner
Digi Communication (
Ce este Digi Communication:Digi Communication a fost înființat în anul 1994 și este lider IT în serviciile oferite pe piața mureșeană. Preocuparea noastră este de a servii clienții noștrii cât mai fidel și de a îmbunătății în continuu serviciile firmei.
DST Romania - Your IT resource center (
DST is an expanding software company with several clients in USA, Canada and Europe. From consulting to development and integration, we cover the complete area of software authoring. We also specialize in overall project management as well as providing s
eSolutions (
The more the IT market expands and develops, the more its component fields, which multiply every day, tend to become more complex.eSolutions is mainly an Application Solution Provider (ASP). We develop 'from the box' solutions, following our customers'
FLEX Consulting Home page (
Greencard_ro (
IT Search & Recruitment for the West-European Market ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
i-com_ro ( is a web development and IT consulting company established in 2000, by a group of information technology and business professionals. We're young and animated with all the excitement of a new industry. And we're growing.
I.T. Consulting (
I.T. Consulting designs and implements a wide range of innovative, high-performance, Internet, Networking and Security Solutions. We offer comprehensive Internet-based products and services that are custom designed to meet your expanding business requirem
I.T. Consulting (
I.T. Consulting designs and implements a wide range of innovative, high-performance, Internet, Networking and Security Solutions. We offer comprehensive Internet-based products and services that are custom designed to meet your expanding business requirem
I.T. Consulting (
Our Mission I.T. Consulting designs and implements a wide range of innovative, high-performance, Internet, Networking and Security Solutions. We offer comprehensive Internet-based products and services that are custom designed to meet your expanding busin
ICS Net Societate Comerciala Romana cu capital privat, specializata in domeniul I.T. si Telecomunicatii. (
ICS Net te poate ajuta sa configurezi orice sistem indiferent de platforma hardware sau de sistemul de operare folosit: Unix, Linux, Windows 9x/NT/2000.
Inel Calculatoare Bistrita (
iNetSoft Romania Home (
Welcome to iNetSoft, an Internet/Desktop software development company. iNetSoft provides a wide variety of Internet/Desktop services for small & medium business. These services include application development, e-Commerce integration, database design and w
InfoNetwork - A Company Built for Your Succes (
InfoNetwork - A Company Built for Your Succes (
Infosys Technologies Limited (
Infosys (NASDAQ:INFY) is a world leader in providing IT consulting and software services.
InterAKT Online (
Istoria demonstreaza ca firmele IT care si-au supradiversificat serviciile si ariile de expertiza, au sfarsit, dupa suferirea unor pierderi serioase, prin intoarcerea la modelul initial de afacere. Iata de ce este extrem de important sa-ti concentrezi fir
Intermedia Communication (
Intermedia Communications este o firmă cu capital integral românesc care activeaza in domeniul IT ca Internet Service Provider din luna decembrie 1999. Desi relativ tânără, firma are specialisti cu o experientă de 7 ani in domeniile transmisiilor de date
Intermedia Communications (
Intermedia Communications este o firmă cu capital integral românesc care activeaza in domeniul IT ca Internet Service Provider din luna decembrie 1999. Desi relativ tânără, firma are specialisti cu o experientă de 7 ani in domeniile transmisiilor de date
Intermedia Communications (
Intermedia Communications este o firmă cu capital integral românesc care activeaza in domeniul IT ca Internet Service Provider din luna decembrie 1999. Desi relativ tânără, firma are specialisti cu o experientă de 7 ani in domeniile transmisiilor de date
International Computers Group (
Founded in 1997 by trained IT professionals,ICG is an important component Distributor.We cover every possible need from motherboards and CPUs to networking products, peripherals and business software.
Intro - S&T Romania - 112214 (
S&T is presently the only manufacturer independent company in the field of IT system integration and e-business which has a broad - based geographical coverage (15 countries) and local presence throughout the region
IT, health and aviation proffesionals from Romania and European companies make a perfect match with Competence Partner Ro (
Obiectivul nostru este sa oferim oportunitati specialistilor romani inalt calificati pentru a-si valorifica cunostintele profesionale intr-un climat economic puternic concurential si stabil - Europa de Vest.
Keysys (
Lowtec The IT Comapany (
Lunatech web presence (
The team experience, proven by the 6 years of activity in IT domain, is the winning card of Lunatech.
Magic Systems S_A_ - (
Magic Systems S.A. is a German/Romanian company, founded in 1993. It started as an IT company, focused on high-end hardware and software solutions. Magic Systems S.A. has been growing ever since, enlarging its portfolio of activities. The headquarters ar
Magic Telecom (
Magister (
Treptat, dar sigur, explozia informationala, antreneaza si România, in procesul de globalizare, cu toate beneficiile ce decurg de aici. Echipa Magister, isi propune sa devina o parte a acestui proces, antrenand potentialul IT autohton in proiecte menite s
Marketing Consulting & IT (
Marketing Consulting & IT (
MICROROM Software (
Mirabilis Media-IT Company (
NEST is a technology incubator that will allow potential growing start-ups or early-stage companies in the IT field to turn into successful and profitable businesses, by offering capital and value -added programs and services.
NEX Calarasi (
Prooft (
Qualitative Business Incentive Team (
Radix SRL (
REL Systems (
RHS Company este o societate comerciala pe actiuni avand 5 actionari. A luat fiinta in august 1999.Obiectul nostru principal de activitate este distributia de IT. Pentru a satisface cererea clientilor nostri am elaborat o procedura de schimbare a garantii
S.C. Tera Software & Consulting TSC S.R.L. (
S.C. Tera Software & Consulting TSC S.R.L. a fost infiintata in 1998, avind ca principal obiect de activitate asigurarea solutiilor si serviciilor de specialitate, cum sunt: consultanta, design, instalare, suport si intretinere echipamente IT atit softwa
Scala Thompson's (
SCOP Computers (
Serv Master (
Se impune pe piata romaneasca ca unul dintre cei mai dinamici furnizori de solutii IT.
Simga Tech s.r.l. (
Misiunea SmartNews este aceea de a pune la dispozitia specialistilor si profesionistilor IT o gama variata de informatii actuale din acest domeniu.
softuare (
desfasoara activitatea in domeniul serviciilor Internet, web development si design, consultanta si publicitate online.
SuperNet (
sys (
Sysware Romania (
Welcome to the Sysware Romania site! Within these pages you will be able find information relating to our company, products we offer, services that we provide, partnerships that have been forged over years and contact details.
Sysware Romania (
Welcome to the Sysware Romania site! Within these pages you will be able find information relating to our company, products we offer, services that we provide, partnerships that have been forged over years and contact details.
T-Systems (
We enhance our customers' competitiveness by providing made-to-measure, innovative and industry-specific solutions converging telecommunications and information technology. T-Systems is a one-stop provider of a full range of services covering all project
T-Systems (
T-Systems was founded by Deutsche Telekom AG in order to bundle its IP/data and systems solutions for major corporations.
Professional IT Services
unicom (
vipnet (
Welcome to Datanet Systems web site! (
Profile: Datanet Sytems provides professional services for the full life cycle of a computer network,including planning, design, implementation, operations and optimization, and maintains expertise in the most complex network technologies and multivendor
Welcome to Open Systems (
Looking back on my past years as Open Systems's General Manager, I witnessed rapid change in our young, dynamic organization. Like similar organizations, Open Systems has been dealing with change by reinventing and redefining itself. These changes have b
World Wide Software (
A French-Romanian joint venture, Kepler was extablished in 1995 and is now the leading independent IT service company in Romania
WSP - Romania SRL (
WSP - Romania SRL este o firma romaneasca cu activitate in domeniul IT.
WSP - Romania SRL (
WSP - Romania SRL este o firma romaneasca cu activitate in domeniul IT. Domeniul nostru de activitate cuprinde: configurari echipamente de retea (routere, switch-uri, hub-uri) programare aplicatii Linux/Web (C si diverse limbaje de scripting - php, java
WSP - Romania SRL (
WSP - Romania SRL este o firma romaneasca cu activitate in domeniul IT.

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