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Site-uri (
AdEx_ro - (
Primul sistem online din Romania specializat in tranzactii media. AdEx este primul site din Romania specializat in tranzactii media (planificare, plasament si plati). Avantajele oferite de AdEx sunt multiple. AdEx este un sistem, care prin natura sa avant
ARBOmedia (
ARBOmedia is the only independent media sales house in Europe that operates in 15 countries. ARBOmedia is specialised in selling multimedia advertising space for TV, Print, Radio and Internet.
BabyExchange! (
Bine ati venit la eeebid! (
Bine ati venit la pagina AGB Data Research (
In acest site veti gasi informatii despre sistemul de masurare electronica a audientei TV prin metoda people meter, despre activitatea companiei AGB Data Research in Romania, despre produsele si serviciile oferite de compania noastra pietei romanesti de p
BRAT - Biroul Roman de Audit al Tirajelor Online (
CAKE is a cross-platform production and entertainment company based in New York City - the first company to create a brand for young, heterosexual women that represents a contemporary female sexual lifestyle. Produced by women, who are experts in the fiel
Calatorii in lumea HERALZII (
Cartea Galbena ( (
Club Vox (
Clubul Monitorul (
Clubul Monitorul este principala componenta a campaniei de relatii publice (PR) coordonata de departamentul de marketing al cotidianului Monitorul.
DC LOOK - Romanian Multimedia Company
Deuromedia (
Credem ca pentru a ramane competitivi intr-o lume in care schimbarea este singura certitudine este absolut necesar sa utilizam serviciile celei mai fascinante platforme de comunicare: Internet. Aceasta viziune este provocarea la care firma Deuromedia inte
DigiCom Systems Romania (
Events (
Lansari de firma si produs, prezentari, conferinte, seminarii, simpozioane, misiuni economice, manifestari culturale.
Flooz Online gift currency sent by e-mail with a greeting card for any occasion or holiday (
gratismania_ro - Obiecte Gratis (
Gratuite_ro - Catalog de obiecte si servicii gratuite pentru Romania ( ( (
idWin (
Instalatorul_ro (
Comunitatea instalatorilor din Romania
Internet mailbox (
Internet mailbox este un set de servicii internet oferit de firma MATCO SERV 2000.Gama de servicii oferite este variata, incepand de la un simplu cont e-mail sau acces pana la servere virtuale complexe. Momentan, serviciile internet mailbox sunt disponibi
iRomania (
iRomania (
JobSearch (
Juliette` Escort Service in Bucharest Romania (
Kiosk Kiosk Kiosk (
Logis Developments (
Logis Developments is a Romanian company which provides Geographic Information System (GIS) related products and services
Maratonul Bucuresti Ericsson 2001 (
Marcotec (
A.F. Marcotec Bucuresti, un subsidiar al firmei germane A.F. Marcotec GmbH, este specializata in tehnologie video si audio broadcast si profesionala.Oferim servicii de proiectare si instalare de studiouri video si audio, service in perioada de garantie si
MARIApaper (
Master Media Foundation (
Master Media Foundation (MxM) is a non-profit organisation which emerged as a response to the need of changing the Romanian society through a particular effort: promoting spiritual values through mass-media, with a special focus on television.
Media Monitoring Agency (
Mind Share (
Media Without Frontiers-Our objective is to secure competitive advantage for clients in a media world that is changing and fragmenting beyond recognition. This demands creative, intelligent thinking and formidable buying power. MindShare – via the House o
MTVi Group Interactive (
The MTVi Group (MTVi) is the world's leading online music entertainment company, with 22 music Web site destinations around the world, including, and
NDI Group (
The NDI Group is a project initiated by Ndi and it is all about gaining experience and constructing an elite that would represent at least some of the Romanian computer administrators and users. This group is not an association, it is a community and ther
Nord Est Media Group (
Nord Est Media Group, part of the Nord Est Group, includes many media operations, like radio broadcasting, publication of newspapers and weekly magazines, TV News production, Web related services, advertising sales and placement and advertising design. Th
Pagina oficiala Moka. (
Pentru ca ne dorim o revenire la entuziasmul ce marca nasterea Internetului prin anii '80-'90, ne-am hotarat sa scriem pagina in mod text. Si pentru ca noi consideram ca adevaratele scopuri ale aparitiei retelei mondiale au fost deturnate de la cele ini
Ploaia-de-stele (
-Ploaia de Stele- este un spectacol de sunet si lumina cum n-ati mai vazut pe nici un post de televiziune din Romania. Este emisiunea in care puteti vedea imitatii ale tuturor vedetelor din lumea muzicii pe care fie le iubiti deja, fie macar ati auzit ca
RC TEAM SA Timisoara (
SC RC Team SA este o societate fondata in 1994, care are ca principal domeniu de activitate comunicatiile profesionale si comerciale.
Infintata in 1998, societatea ROMDUR GRAVURA, cu capital integral privat romanesc. Ca si obiective noua societate si-a propus o dezvoltare rapida in domeniul inscriptionarii produselor, prin toate metodele. In paralel dezvoltarea productiei de In perioad
S.C. ConvemaRomania Ltd. (
Site-ul eJOB.RO face parte dintr-o alianta internationala prezenta pe Internet in toate tarile dezvoltate si ofera un raspuns de (
smallcapcenter_com - Where To Find The Next Big Thing (
Snowball (
Snowball is the leading online network for Gen i™, Web-centric teens and young adults who have grown up using the Internet. Because Gen i requires no behavioral shift when it comes to the Internet and is already online and going to the Web first for infor
SpainNet (
SPLASH Software - (
Fondată în Septembrie 1999, Splash Software S.R.L. este o companie privată, ce își propune să devină un lider regional în domeniul Multimedia/MPEG.
Stockgroup_com (
Stockgroup is a financial media and technology company The Company's mission is to provide information and technology solutions that empower investors and companies to achieve their goals.
Techno Media (
cAlculatoare, componente, software, Imprimante, consumabile.
Telecom Services (
Telework, ca un nou mod de a lucra prin efectuarea unei activități (forme de muncă) flexibile în timp și la distanță, utilizând tehnologia informațională și comunicațiile avansate, se concretizează în teleactivități și teleservicii
ThompsonConnect Romania - J_ W a l t e r T h o m p s o n-Welcome (
As representatives of J. Walter Thompson, ThompsonConnect has been built upon a long history of success both internationally and locally. We draw upon a multitude of strong resources as a member of the WPP Group, the largest communications organization on
Tomrad Communications (
Trafic_ro - Top Romanian Web Sites (
Vivendi Universal Groupe ( (
Welcome to Hydra Ltd_ Website - well established supplier of equipment, solutions, turnkey solutions for broadcast industry (
Founded in 1990 as small business and transformed in limited company in 1991, Hydra Ltd. focused to promote advanced technologies for acquisition, archiving, processing and transmission of images in broadcast television.
Welcome to uExpress --The Best Opinions and Advice in the Universe! (
Yellow Pages (

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