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Descriere scurta
Founded in 1997 by Mr. Eliahu Friedmann, 30 years of experience in electronics, out of them 12 in the ASIC industry & market. Born in Cluj, Romania, (speaks both Romanian and Hungarian), but educated and worked in Israel.Microcontrollers design (HW & SW).
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Founded in 1997 by Mr. Eliahu Friedmann, 30 years of experience in electronics, out of them 12 in the ASIC industry & market. Born in Cluj, Romania, (speaks both Romanian and Hungarian), but educated and worked in Israel.Microcontrollers design (HW & SW). Our engineers have experience with Intel 8031 familly, the Microchip PIC, Samsung, Motorola and Thompson microcontrollers, both hardware and software. Based on this experience we can master others with a very fast learning curve...
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