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Real Estate
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Descriere scurta
NOVA INVEST SRL is a Romanian firm specialised in estate public-relations, which has as main objects of activity real estate consultancy, promotion of real estate projects and publication of magazines. During 4 years of experience, our firm has managed to
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Descriere detaliata
NOVA INVEST SRL is a Romanian firm specialised in estate public-relations, which has as main objects of activity real estate consultancy, promotion of real estate projects and publication of magazines. During 4 years of experience, our firm has managed to establish fruitful relations and collaborations with the most important firms and organisations specialised in this sector (e.g.: the National Association of Real Estate Agencies, the National Union of Real Estate Agents, the Ministry of Public Works, Transportation and Dwellings, FNIMOB, the Romanian Fund of Credits Granting etc.).
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