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Robinete Industriale Bacau
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Descriere scurta
Founded in 1919, the company is specialized in manufacturing cast iron and ductile iron industrial valves, reaching in 2000 a turnover of over 8 millions USD.Specialists in designing, hot and cold engineering, marketing, sales are bringing their contribut
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Descriere detaliata
Founded in 1919, the company is specialized in manufacturing cast iron and ductile iron industrial valves, reaching in 2000 a turnover of over 8 millions USD.Specialists in designing, hot and cold engineering, marketing, sales are bringing their contribution to manufacturing and trading grey iron and ductile iron valves, required both on the domestic and external market, supplying to all our customers the most competitive ecological products suitable to the following applications: drinking water, waste water, sea water, saturated vapours, petroleum products, chemicals, fluids charged with solid particles, pulverulent materials, gases or other low corrosion fluids.
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