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STIMEL Romanian -Italian Joint Venture
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Descriere scurta
STIMEL is an Industrial company built on a platform in 1968. The company has come to life in 1991 as Stimel Ltd. and currently has a capital of 4.200.000$. STIMEL is a Joint Venture. Its founders are STIMA ENGINEERIG Sp.A. Italy and ELECTROTIMIS S.A. Timi
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Descriere detaliata
STIMEL is an Industrial company built on a platform in 1968. The company has come to life in 1991 as Stimel Ltd. and currently has a capital of 4.200.000$. STIMEL is a Joint Venture. Its founders are STIMA ENGINEERIG Sp.A. Italy and ELECTROTIMIS S.A. Timisoara.The atmosphere of this company is loaded with desire to progress, with intelectual strain and technical thinking. STIMEL has the purpose to develop products suitable for update necessities and also for future requirements.
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