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Urbis Metal Romania
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Descriere scurta
Urbis Metal is a steel shots and grit producing company which has had an experience since 1968 in this field. Our steel shots(spherical and grit) are used for:Cleaning of steel castings ;Cleaning of shipbuilding plates; Cleaning of gas receivers and cylin
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Descriere detaliata
Urbis Metal is a steel shots and grit producing company which has had an experience since 1968 in this field. Our steel shots(spherical and grit) are used for:Cleaning of steel castings ;Cleaning of shipbuilding plates; Cleaning of gas receivers and cylinders; Cleaning of brass and bronze castings Cleaning of aluminium castings; Pickling of steel sheets and strips Pickling before protective coating (enamelling);Pickling before protective coating (metallizing, silvering, zinc plating); Shot- peening of springs; Surface preparation for mechanical processing
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