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Welcome to the Nestlé S_A_ Web Site
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Descriere scurta
Vevey, August 30, 2001 – Nestlé S.A., the world's largest food group, and New Zealand's Fonterra Co-operative Group Ltd, the world's most important exporter of dairy products (resulting from the merger of the major New Zealand milk cooperatives and the
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Descriere detaliata
Vevey, August 30, 2001 – Nestlé S.A., the world's largest food group, and New Zealand's Fonterra Co-operative Group Ltd, the world's most important exporter of dairy products (resulting from the merger of the major New Zealand milk cooperatives and the New Zealand Dairy Board and formerly known as Globalco), today announced that they are negotiating an alliance to create a number of joint ventures in the dairy business
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